080 25440038




We believe that a thriving Christian community is built on a solid foundation of healthy marriages. After all, the first human community God created was a marriage – Adam and Eve. The first miracle Jesus performed was at a wedding – Cana. And the Bible teaches that human marriage is supposed to be a picture of our relationship with Christ – He as the bridegroom and the Church as the bride. Godly marriages take a lot of work but with God’s help and loving support from other church members we can grow into Godly spouses that love, honor, and serve our spouses in the name of Christ. 


1. The regular, baptized members of DGC should prepare to get married only with the consent of their parents. (Consent letter needed)
2. Those getting married should be above 21 years as required by the government
3. Age proof certificate to be produced
4. Consent letter to be produced from the church
5. Proper document to be produced concerning both of their residences
6. divorced people will not be allowed to get married.
7. The parents of both families should intimate the pastor two months before.
8. The pastor is to be given three date options. Only the decision can be taken about the date of the wedding. according to the availability of a pastor
9. Church office timing Monday to Friday to discuss regarding the marriage and wedding, Engagement, etc. 10:00@m-1:00 pm and 4:00 pm-6:00 pm

Marriage Application Form

Marriage Form

Details of the BRIDE

Details of the BRIDEGROOM

Suggest 3 DATES for the Wedding

Documents Required